
Sun Bear (wiersz klasyka)

Serj Tankian

An antelope finding radar,
The Prince of Quatar,
Durable drugs and a blue Durango,
The car, not the city in Mexico.
Covered by hues,
The news doesn't matter.
Batter up, butter down,
Time to sleep on a goose down comforter.
Filet-o-Fish nighmares,
Exiting the free dream pattern.
What is the noise made by beasts
Looking for comfort?
Do hairy Sultans swing?
The only philosophy Sun Bear is intrested in
Is the philosophy of growing corn.
And according to him,
To battle nuclear power plants,
Turn off the lights.
No demand, no problem !

przysłano: 5 marca 2010

Serj Tankian

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