
DEATH (wiersz klasyka)

Serj Tankian

You will live death, in your life,
If all you do with your life, is avoid death.
My goal is to stop reacting in life,
While reacting more in sports.
It is great work to strip man from his home,
Clothes, education, social cicle, and job,
In order to preserve his freedom and individuality,
Giving him his own dreams,
Rather than those of society.
Life's cruelty is in its forced forfeit
of all worldly possessions
In trade for one's life.
Death should only be the reward,
The aftermath, not the focus of life.
The world lives according to death,
Rather than in accordance to life.

przysłano: 5 marca 2010

Serj Tankian

Inne teksty autora

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