
From words to portraits (wiersz klasyka)

Serj Tankian

From words to portraits

The deconstruction of the human wind
A shiffing of polarities of portraits, from words.
Embroideries of memories,
Daily on-live vision necessities,
Susceptible amenities.
Daily daisies marking their paths,
Fur longing shelter dwellers
Strange propellers, Pillars making their presence known
To their venerable peers,
Coughing up the seas
As the breeze maintains its meditative ease.
The releasing of the world,
The re-shifting of focus on inter-being
And the attainment of nothingness
Through the veils of the sacred silence.

przysłano: 5 marca 2010

Serj Tankian

Inne teksty autora

Science (Nauka)
Serj Tankian
Misunderstood Rose
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Moje słowa
Serj Tankian
My Words
Serj Tankian
Serj Tankian
Serj Tankian
Partial Moons
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więcej tekstów »

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