
rubric (wiersz klasyka)

Peabody Josephine Preston

I’LL not believe the dullard dark,
Nor all the winds that weep,
But I shall find the farthest dream
That kisses me, asleep.





przysłano: 5 marca 2010

Peabody Josephine Preston

Inne teksty autora

Peabody Josephine Preston
the wings
Peabody Josephine Preston
THE SINGING MAN A Book of Songs and
Peabody Josephine Preston
The portrait of mrs. W.
Peabody Josephine Preston
The Piper
Peabody Josephine Preston
The Nightingale unheard
Peabody Josephine Preston
the house and the road
Peabody Josephine Preston
więcej tekstów »

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