
SONNET IN A GARDEN (wiersz klasyka)

Peabody Josephine Preston


by: Josephine Preston Peabody (1874-1922)

      DUMB Mother of all music, let me rest
      On thy great heart while summer days pass by;
      While all the heat up-quivers, let me lie
      Close gathered to the fragrance of thy breast.
      Let not the pipe of birds from some high nest
      Give voice unto a thought of melody,
      Nor dreaming clouds afloat along the sky
      Meet any wind of promise from the west.
      Save for that grassy breath that never mars
      The peace, but seems a musing of thine own,
      Keep thy dear silence. So, embraced, alone,
      Forgetful of relentless prison-bars,
      My soul shall hear all songs, unsung, unknown,
      Uprising with the breath of all the stars.

przysłano: 5 marca 2010

Peabody Josephine Preston

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