
*** (wiersz klasyka)

Serj Tankian

"Life ties you to addiction,

Through its many Epicurean , immortal extravagances,

Pulling you ever so inward,

Along the belts leading to the Powers That Be,

Through debt, loss of credit,

Credit being the foundation for 20th century credibility,

The ability to carry credit,

Chance being created in dire times of desperation,

In the profitable casino of geographical domination.

Those that are left are the survivors of the system,

That reinvent themselves on the cycle of 5 year planning,

To adapt, adjust, learn, and continue.

As in a good maze,

Where you end up is never where you started,

Nor where you ever predicted."

przysłano: 5 marca 2010

Serj Tankian

Inne teksty autora

Science (Nauka)
Serj Tankian
Misunderstood Rose
Serj Tankian
Moje słowa
Serj Tankian
My Words
Serj Tankian
Serj Tankian
Serj Tankian
Partial Moons
Serj Tankian
więcej tekstów »

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