
Times (wiersz)


How few places have been left
on the map of my life,
which I want to see again ...


They exist in the recesses of memory
as if written on historical documents.
He survived the charm of memories.


Time - ruthless dictator,
he manipulated my landscape,
and destroyed beauty forever.


Fate - the ally of time

he retouched people in these pictures.
And they left without saying goodbye ...


Relatives - they suddenly became strangers,
aliens - expected on Earth,
illusion, emptiness ... dreaming ...


These landscapes and people are missing.
I am like Odysseus who returns to Ithaca,

losing friends on the way.


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Arian 6 grudnia 2018, 16:08
Tutejszy translator źle tlumaczy na polski.
przysłano: 6 grudnia 2018 (historia)

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