
CORRESPONDENCES (wiersz klasyka)

Charles Baudelaire

The pillars of Nature's temple are alive
and sometimes yield perplexing messages:
forests of symbols between us and the shrine
remark our passage with accustomed eyes.

Like long-held echoes, blending somewhere else
into one deep and shadowy unison
as limitless as darkness and as day,
the sounds, the scents, the colors corresponds.

There are odors succulent as young flesh,
sweet as flutes, and green as any grass,
while others - rich, corrupt and masterful -
possess the power of such infinite things
as incense, amber, benjamin and musk,
to praise the senses' raptures and the mind's.

przysłano: 5 marca 2010

Charles Baudelaire

Inne teksty autora

Charles Baudelaire
Charles Baudelaire
Litania do Szatana
Charles Baudelaire
Do Czytelnika
Charles Baudelaire
Charles Baudelaire
Charles Baudelaire
De profundis clamavi
Charles Baudelaire
więcej tekstów »

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