
Emily Dickinson


That Love is all there is,

Is all we know of Love;

It is enought, the freight should be

Proportioned to the groove.



Who has not found the Heaven - below -

Will fail ofit above-

For Angels rent the House next ours,

Wherever we remove -



The Spider as an Artist

Has never been employed -

Though his surpassing Merit

Is freely certifed


By every Broom and Bridget

Throughhout a Christian Land -

Neglected son of Genius

I take thee by the Hand -



Longing is like the Seed

That wrestles in the Ground

Believing if it intercede

It shall at lenght be found


The Hour, and the Clime -

Each Circumstance uknown,

What Constancy must be achieved

Before it see the sun!



Love - is anterior to Life -

Posterior - to Death -

Initial of Creation, and

The Exponent of Earth



Unable are the Loved to die

For Love is Immortality,

Nay, it is Deity

Unable they that love - to die

For Love reforms Vitality

Into Divinity



To wait an Hour - is long -

If Love be just beyond -

To wait Eternity - is short -

If love reward the end -



I'm Nobody! Who are you?

Are you - Nobody - Too?

Then there's a pair of us?

Don't tell! they'd advertise - you know!


How dearg - to be - Some body?

How public like a Frog -

To tell one's name - the livelong June -

To an admiring Bog!



Wild Nights - Wild Nights!

Were I with thee

Wild Nights should be

Our luxury!


Futile - the Winds -

To a Heart in port -

Done with the Com-pass -

Done with the Chart!


Rowing in Eden-

Ah, the Sea!

Might I but moor - Tonight -

In Three!